Sammy Ch. Beltone Que Sera 

Tina Ch Beltone Big Trouble of Kingstonia

James Ch Bonaparte of the French Border at Kingstonia

Jane Ch Kingstonia Here is Trouble of Beltone

Thomas Ch Sandawana Tommy Hotspur of Kingstonia

Portia Ch Kingstonia Ahead of Trouble

Holly Ch Kingstonia Look ‘n for Trouble of Sangiros

Jamie Ch Kingstonia Advokat n’ Trouble

Sarah San Giros Bundle of Trouble

Thibbles – Ch Highlawn Tabitha at Matabola

Matthew CH Kingstonia Unique Trouble

Rachel Ch Kingstonia Full Circle

Zeus Ch Dalin King Elrond

Alexsis  Ch. Glengowan Queen Alexsandra of Kingstonia

DAKOTA  Ch. Glengowan KingArthur of Kingst

Eva  Ch. Matabola Lady Danielle of Kingstonia