Ch Highlawn Tabitha at Matabola
Allow yourself to judge “Thibbles” by her achievements awarded by all Breed Judges and breed Specialists.
8 Best Puppy in show 8 Best Terrier Puppy
(5 All breed Certificates, 3 Specialist Shows)
14 Challenge Certificates (25 points) 6 Reserve Challenge Certificates
5 Best of breed 9 Reserve Best of Breed
Co-winner of the Raymond Oppenheimer Inter-Club competition – 2004
Qualifier – Junior Bitch of the year 2003
Supreme Puppy, 2004
Bitch of the Year, 2004
We kindly thank all those judges who did not fail to spot a superb specimen of the breed!
Best of Breed Certificates
Liesbeek Kennel Club 2004-02-29
Natal Terrier Club 2004-07-02
Northern Natal Kennel Club 2004-07-03
Natal Bull Terrier Club
Reserve Best of Breed Certificates
Kennel Association 2004-02-28
Northern Transvaal Bull Terrier Club 2004-04-24
Challenge Certificates
Kennel Association 2004-02-28
Liesbeek Kennel Club 2004-02-29
Northern Transvaal Bull Terrier Club 2004-04-24
Bitch of the year 2004 2005-02-05