Price RSA R200.00


A must for every Bull Terrier owner and addict!!


Author: Colin Bohler

Publisher: Sarah Bohler, South Africa

Pages: 152, hardback, illustrated throughout

Price: Purchasing details please contact Colin Bohler


A real feast for every Bull Terrier fan, this in-depth study into the breed in South Africa is a fascinating read.

This throughly researched and lavishly illustrated book tracks the breed from early mentions of importations into South Africa from Jock of the Bushveld through to the current Best-in-Show winners.

There are detailed chapters following the advancement of the breed throughout the years, including the major prizewinners, interspersed with judges’ comments. One section is devoted to the various Bull Terrier clubs throughout the country, and another deals with imported dogs that have had an influence on the breed. Finally there is a delightful chapter with stories of Bull Terriers and their herioc deeds.

This is a must for every Bull Terrier owner and addict.


Introduction by Colin Bohler

Being involved with Bull Terriers has taken me to all the corners of the world where I’ve met the most wonderful people from all walks of life, from nobility to the man in the street, who all share the same common interest, the love for the Bull Terrier breed of dog. There are many stories about characters and their dogs that could fill a book on its own, but I have chosen to limit these to a select few, concentrating more on the dogs in this part of the world. I chose to limit my study to the Bull Terrier in South Africa, rather than simply taking various aspects of the breed (such as training, breeding principles, etc.), as there are already a plethora of books that cover these aspects in detail, as well as a great number of books that may have been written about Bull Terriers, their history and the breed in general. In this work I have taken up the task of investigator, tracing the origins of the breed in South Africa and compiling this book that includes the major Bull Terriers that have left their mark on the breed in Southern Africa over the past two centuries, as well as some interesting stories on the breed from this part of the world.

I have tried to cover most of the Major Trophy Show winners during the period 1860- 1999, but because no reliable records exist before 1970, there are gaps and obvious omissions over certain periods in the text. As this is the first issue of this book, I appeal to readers to submit any information that could be included in future editions, thus ensuring that the history of our beloved breed be preserved for future generations of South African Bull Terrier lovers and enthusiasts.

The study that follows is based on my very own research with the help of many other Bull Terrier Breeders, fanciers and enthusiasts. While some of the photographs (particularly the older ones) are of poor quality, I have decided to print them as these are the best pictures that could be found of certain dogs.

It is my desire that the information contained herein will be of some value to readers, by giving them a better understanding of the Bull Terrier history in Southern Africa over the past two centuries and perhaps it could add something to the vast amount of material being preserved world-wide on this wonderful breed.

As I have stated, to seek to cover every detail of the Bull Terrier history in South Africa in a single volume would be unrealistic, if not impossible. What I have essayed in this book is to cover a broad spectrum, focusing in more detail on the winners of the Major Trophy Shows. I hope, however, that readers will not just find this book to be a history manual but also something to enjoy!

Colin Bohler 2000




Chapter 1: Bygone Days 1860 – 1939

Chapter 2: The Start of Things 1940’s

Chapter 3: Gaining Momentum 1950-1963

Chapter 4: Rapidly Moving Forward 1964 – 1981

Chapter 5: High Point 1982 -1999

Chapter 6: Bull Terrier Clubs of Southern Africa

Chapter 7: Bone of Contention

Chapter 8: Registrations over the Years

Chapter 9: Imported Dogs and their Influence

Chapter 10: ‘There are Dogs and there are Bull Terriers’


Alphabetical Breeder’s Index



Review by Christopher Bennett

Christopher Bennett was born in Lincolnshire, UK. Most of his life he was a broadcaster for the SABC in Johannesburg, from which he retired at the end of 1994, and owns a shop specialising in rare and out of print books.

Because I am a book dealer I tend to look at books for as much as to what they are as to what they can offer. I often judge a book by its cover. In the case of “Bull Terriers of South Africa 1860- 1999” by Colin Bohler, a prominent breeder and member of the dog community, I found an excel. lent volume containing a very good book. He has produced, not without a huge amount of work, a fine, handsome and most professional quarto monograph on this breed.

The book is cloth bound with a gloss dust wrapper depicting a striking illustration of a white bull terrier. Within its 152 pages there is much for both the serious dog lover as well as the less adventurous.

The book opens with a resounding statement of intent. Mr. Bohler guides us through the most interesting story of the first bull terriers to be brought to this country. His admirable research has taken him back to 1860, when a white bull terrier was auctioned in Port Elizabeth along with (much to the salivating dog’s indignity) “…… several Spanish fowls and upright Game Fowls, both sorts layer” !

Colin Bohler’s account of the story of Sir Percy FitzPatrick’s eternal Jock was a gem to read. Seldom have I seen such a robust defence, and such a thoroughly enjoyable one! I too had always assumed that Jock was a Staffie. This revelation comes as a bit of a disappointment personally, but oh! what a gem of information!! I enjoy reading histories and the research that Mr. Bohler has put into “Bull Terriers” makes most enjoyable reading.

This fine book is rich in information on the progress of the breed in this country and is well indexed. Much of the book is aimed, of course, at fellow breeders and those of like interests, and on this I would not presume to comment.